Once we got to Kyoto our first stop was Kiyomizu Temple (Clear Water Temple in English). True to our nature Kat and I ended up finding a way to get ourselves a bit lost. We made it to Kyoto fine, but when taking the bus to Kiyomizu we accidentally got off a stop early. It ended up being a good experience though, because we happened to get off right near a delicious smelling restaurant, where we decided to eat. Of course the food was just as good as it smelled, so we were grateful for the mishap. We also got a good walk in since we opted to walk the rest of the way to Kiyomizu rather than pay the bus fare again.
Kiyomizu temple was amazing. It is over 1,000 years old. There were many different buildings to visit, we were there for about an hour and didn't even get to see everything.